Selasa, 22 November 2011


1. Tron (1982)

[Image: tron.jpg]

A classic! A hacker is transported into the digital universe of "The Grid", and must survive combat as a cyber gladiator in order to stop the villanous Master Control. The imagination behind this movie made big ripples in the science fiction world, and today, Tron is a cult classic that every computer user should see at least once.

2. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009)

[Image: girl-with-the-dragon-tattoo.jpg]

She's a Swedish hacker who types on a Mac and lives with Asperger's Syndrome. She teams up with a journalist to solve a murder-mystery. And she has a dragon tattoo. Based on the Stieg Larsson novels, this film has earned international acclaim, and is likely to be remade in English, perhaps with George Clooney or Brad Pitt in a lead role. Warning: this movie does have graphic sexual content.

3. Sneakers (1992)

[Image: sneakers.jpg]

While dated, this movie was groundbreaking at the time, and is still charming to this day. The story revolves around two college buddies who take different paths in life. One becomes an ethical hacker, and the other...well, he is not quite so noble. Some great plot twists and comic scenes make this a good way to spend a Saturday afternoon at home.

4. Wargames (1983)

[Image: wargames.jpg]

Yes, this movie is very old, but it is still a pivotal film in many viewers' minds. A young man finds a back door into a military computer that is linked to the nuclear defense grid of the United States. A preposterous plot, but a compelling commentary on nuclear war and the destruction of the human race. You have to see this movie just to say you have seen it.

5. eXistenZ (1999)

[Image: existenz.jpg]

A David Cronenberg film, this is the creepiest entry in the list. A game designer creates an artificial reality game that plugs directly into people's minds. The line between reality and game then blurs in a violent and gruesome way. This is very much a powerful art film, and not for everyone. Have a Disney movie ready to watch as a chaser after this show. Aptly so: our number 1 choice below is a Disney movie...

6. Die Hard 4: Live Free or Die Hard (2007)

[Image: diehard4.jpg]

Leave it to Bruce Willis to save the world from uber hackers. Macintosh advertising personality, Justin Long, plays the reluctant programmer caught up in an digital terrorism scheme. Like Swordfish, this movie has over-the-top violence and outrageous action sequences, but if you liked the Die Hard series, definitely see this.

7. The Score (2001)

[Image: the-score.jpg]

Edward Norton and Robert De Niro are fabulous in this heist flick. In a clever plot to rob a Montreal customs house of some royal artifacts, Norton and De Niro must break into the security systems with the help of a socially-awkward hacker who lives in his mother's basement. 10 minutes of hacking, and 100 minutes of phenomenal robbery storytelling!

8. The Matrix (1999)

[Image: The_Matrix_film_poster.jpg]
This was such a groundbreaking adventure in reality and existentialism. No, you will not learn how to break into a Linux server by watching Trinity port-scanning with "nmap". But this movie is definitely cool, nonetheless.

9. The Conversation (1974)

[Image: conversation_paramount.jpg]

While you won't see computers in this classic film, the theme of surveillance and the violation of people's privacy is so masterfully explored here.
**Related movie: The Conversation was re-imagined as Will Smith's Enemy of the State in 2001. The 2001 treatment of the story was designed as a modern techno thriller, and has some tremendous special effects and satellite surveillance sequences. Having Gene Hackman star with Will Smith makes it worth the price of a DVD rental.

10. Foolproof (2003)

[Image: foolproof.jpg]

A lower-budget Canadian movie about hobby bank robbers, this was a delightful surprise to many viewers. Ryan Reynolds and his friends "virtually" rob banks for fun, but are blackmailed into doing a heist for real. This is a good action rental.

11. Hackers (1995)

[Image: hackers.jpg]

Don't bring your brain to watch this, either. The story is weak, and the hacking scenes are nowhere near reality. But you have to watch this just to say you did. You'll learn where the iconic names of "Zero Cool" and "Lord Nikon" come from. You'll hear some breakthrough techno music in the soundtrack. Plus: Angelina Jolie is reason enough for most men to rent this cult classic.

12. Antitrust (2001)

[Image: antitrust.jpg]

This movie has some strong points about it. Two idealistic computer whiz kids graduate from Stanford, and one of them enters the world of private sector programming. Sure enough, these two programmers find themselves in the middle of cybercrime scandals. Definitely worth renting for three bucks.

13. Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999)

[Image: pirates-of-silicon-valley.jpeg]

This is the flawed storytelling of how Apple and Microsoft came to be. While this movie got mixed reviews, many people have commented they loved it. Three dollars at your video store, and you can decide for yourself if this was a good film.

14. The Lawnmower Man (1992)

[Image: lawnmower-man.jpg]

Computer imagery and hacker technology abound throughout this bizarre movie. No connection to the Stephen King story, this B-movie is an exploration of a hypothetical future where scientists can manipulate people's brains with machines and drugs. Like similar stories, the experiment breaks free, and decides to take revenge on the experimenters. While the movie production quality and acting is forgettable, the concept and themes here are strangely haunting.

15. The Core (2003)

[Image: the-core.jpg]

Disaster movies are not for everyone, but this B-movie is surprisingly entertaining. There are some noteworthy dramatic scenes and compelling themes of self-sacrifice and friendship. The "hack-the-world" segments are only about 10 minutes of the entire movie, but they are comedic segments, and should make geek-lovers smile.

16. Virtuosity (1995)

[Image: virtuousity.jpg]

Virtuosity is an interesting concept movie: the synthesizing of an artificial intelligence based on the minds of serial killers. Alas, the program manages to break free and assume physical form. It's a fantastical premise, yes, but action fans might really enjoy watching Denzel Washington chase down Russel Crowe.

17. Takedown (2000)

[Image: takedown.jpg]

Also known as 'Track Down', this is the sensationalized story of famous phone phreaker, Kevin Mitnick. This is a definitely a B-grade movie, even a C- grade movie in many people's minds. But this flawed film is also cult classic amongst hackers.

18. One Point O (2004)

[Image: one-point-o.jpg]

Also known as 'Paranoia: 1.0', this film requires you to bring your brain. One Point O is a magnificent art film, and very different from Hollywood movies. An isolated young computer programmer receives mysterious packages, which leads him into a strange world of corporate conspiracy, mind control, and the bizarre lives of his neighbors. Not for impatient viewers, this film is slow, haunting, visually mesmerizing, and intensely meditative... every scene is staged to have its own special flavor. Many viewers recommend watching this film twice to catch all the clever details. If you're in that rare mood for something thought-provoking and deliberate, then definitely rent One Point O.

19. Deja Vu (2006)

[Image: dejavu.jpg]

While not exactly a 'hacking' movie, Deja Vu involves sophisticated computer intervention in time travel. Val Kilmer's team of FBI computer geeks adds technical believability to this fantastical story, the terrorism plot is harrowing, and Denzel Washington is always exciting to watch as he rushes to save the explosion victims and the pretty girls.

Dan masih banyak lagi..
Silahkan menikmati, jangan lupa siapin makanan ringan sebelum menontoh :D


Fiuhh... Udah lama gak posting nih..
kali ini saya akan memposting tentang salah satu kartun FAVORIT saya, soalnya nih kartun dari Jaman saya masih duduk dibangku SD sampai sekarang KULIAH belom TAMAT-TAMAT, (yaiyalah.. orang pengarang komiknya ajah udah meninggal -,-)

Okeh langsung aja nih.. sebelumnya saya akan menceritakan sedikit tentang komik ini..

Tokoh utamanya yang bernama Crayon Sinchan adalah seorang bocah berusia lima tahun, ia murid taman kanak-kanak yang sering membuat ulah, dan membuat repot semua orang di sekitarnya. Selain itu sinchan gemar menirukan tingkah laku orang dewasa, menyukai berbagai serial anak-anak di televisi, serta sering merayu wanita dewasa yang cantik.

Selain sinchan, tokoh dalam serial ini ada keluarga Nohara yaitu, Misae Nohara sebagai ibu sinchan seorang ibu rumah tangga yang sering dibuat jengkel karena kenakalan Shin-chan. Hukuman yang biasanya ia berikan adalah pukulan, jitakan, atau cubitan. Meskipun begitu, ia tetap mencintai anaknya. Misae sangat suka dengan diskon, brosur, dan perhiasan.

Hiroshi Nohara sebagai ayah sinchan, Ia adalah seorang pegawai dan kepala keluarga. Hiroshi takut dan tunduk kepada Misae.

Himawari Nohara sebagai adik sinchan, Mirip dengan kakaknya, Himawari sangat suka melihat lelaki tampan. Anak ini juga sangat senang dengan perhiasan, dan semua benda-benda yang berkilau (walaupun itu kecoa). Kata 'Himawari', dalam bahasa Jepang berarti bunga matahari.

Musae koyama sebagai adik dari Misae, Dia pindah ke rumah Nohara pada saat dipecat (bisa dibilang begitu). Musae adalah orang yang pemalas dan suka membodohi keluarga Nohara.

Shiro sebagai anjing nya sinchan, memiliki bulu berwarna putih dan dapat menggulung diri seperti bola salju. Anjing ini sangat cerdas. Anjing ini dipungut oleh keluarga Nohara karena dibuang oleh pemiliknya.


Rabu, 02 November 2011


Langsung aja nih,....


1. *#30# : Menampilkan private number yang menghubungi anda.
2. *#73# : Mereset timer dan high score game. (hanya pada ponsel tertentu).
3. *#7780# : Untuk mengembalikan ke settingan pabrik / Soft reset.
4. *#2820# : Alamat IP perangkat Bluetooth.
5. Xx# : Akses cepat ke nomer atau nama pada address book anda.
6. *#0000# : Menampilkan versi resmi ponsel, baris pertama menunjukkan versi softwarenya, lalu baris kedua menampilkan tanggal pembuatan software dan baris ketiga menunjukkan tipe kompresi software yang digunakan.
7. *#9999# : Sebagai alternatif apabila kode *#0000# tidak berfungsi.
8. *#06# : Melihat nomor IMEI ( International Mobile Equipment Identity ).
9. *#21# : Mengecek nomer pengalihan All calls
10. *#43# : Mengecek status Call waiting.
11. *#67705646# : Mengganti operator logo pada 3310 dan 3330,
12. *#746025625# : Menampilkan status SIM Clock. Jika ponsel anda mendukung fitur penghematan energi, akan keluar tulisan SIM Clock Allowed, artinya anda akan mendapat waktu stand by yang lebih.
13. *#92702689# : Menampilkan : 1. Serial Number, 2. Date Made, 3. Purchase date, 4. Date of last repair , 5. Transfer user data. Pada beberapa ponsel setelah menggunakan fitur ini anda harus merestart ponsel.

Sony Ericsson

1. *#06# : Melihat IMEi
2. *#0000# : Mereset kembali ke bahasa Inggris
3. >*<<*<* : Service menu, menampilkan versi software ponsel,. Tekan tombol Yes berulang kali untuk melihat semua data software dan tekan > untk melihat semua teks yang terdapat pada ponsel.
4. <**< : Untuk mengunci SIM Card.

*#06# -> Displays imei
*#2254*# -> Status Register: C, BS, RR, MMI, CREAT
*#2255*# -> Activate & Deactivate the "DEBUG CALL"-
*#2558*# -> The time in days, hours & minutes you are connected to the net
*#2562*# -> Not Clear; the phone reconnects to the net
*#2565*# -> Not Clear; Warmstart?
*#3333*# -> (NO) BLOCKING - list (15 Items)
*#2377*# -> "BEER": not clear, the phone waits a random time and reconnects to the net,
sometimes the phone makes a reset
*#3377*# -> Init, Flags, SIM LCK
*#3353*# -> Resets the (NO) BLOCKING - list
*#7378*# -> Name, Length, SIM phase
*#7489*# -> SECURITY CODE
*#7693*# -> You can activate & deactivate the SLEEP MODE
(when deactivated the battery will go down)
*#7787*# -> Not clear: SPURIOUS INTERRUPT
*#7948*# -> SWITCH OFF: not clear; it is a timer or something
*#8463*# -> Some information about the SLEEP MODE
Philips Genie (TCD838)
*#2337*# -> Will activate the beep signal when the cellphone reconnected to the net
Service Codes

Master Codes
- 25228352
- 25228353
- 83227423 (TH3/4,BH4,BF5,BG3,BF3/4..)

###337*07# - master reset (with SIM)
###847# - factory reset (with SIM)
###728# - factory reset (with SIM)

Alcatel 835 formating - **0102#

*2767*3855# - FULL E2P RESET
*2767*2878# - CUSTOM E2P RESET
#*7337# - UNLOCK
*2767*688# - UNLOCK
*#0523# - CONTRAST
*#9998*523# - CONTRAST
*#8999*8378# - Service Menu (X100)


#20021208# ok - 630 without SIM (erase flash)
*#7728*# - RSAV DONE
*#3849*# - ??? reboot
*#3851*# - ??? reboot
Philips 568 *01763*737381# - reset

*01763*737381# - master reset (user data, user code) without SIM
*01763*8371# - SW version
*01763*6371# - UNLOCK
*01763*3641# - Menu


*01763*737381# - master reset (user data, user code) A100, A101, A102,G50, G51, G70,

*369#(*) - MENU

7, 4, 6, menu, menu - lock menu
*#9999# - 5 sec after power on - SW version (GD75, GD67, GD87..)

2945#*# - service menu (code reset)(W3000 G5300 C1200 G7100...)
2945#(*)- hold (LG 500,600)
B1200 *+pwr, 6,6,8 Service Menu
B1300 *+pwr, 1,5,9 Service Menu

Security Removing Code For Lg 8110,8120.

> * < < * < * - Service menu

< * * < - Lock menu

VK Mobile

*#79# - SW version
*#85*364# (*) - hold menu
855855# without SIM (VG107)
4268#(*)-hold (VG207)

0124 - master code
0718#(*)- hold - menu (ST11, SC10, V100 without SIM)
4268#(*)- hold - show code (ST11, SC10 without SIM)
*789(#)- hold - menu (V50, V300, RX100 without SIM)

(T190, T191, T205) master code

- 19980722

- 20010903


P2K test menu:
*#06#, menu, menu, 048263*

Test comands:
32*116*1*0*0 - read phone code
32*118*1*0*0 - read security code
18*0 - factory reset, phone code off
18*1 - master reset
54*18*1 - full phone reset
10*0*6 - select 900/1800
32*279*1*0*8 - model
32*383*1*0*0 - flex version

Hard reset MPX200, MPX220 - blue button + power on

*#7370925538# (valet code reset) 6230
*#746025625# [*#sim0clock#]
*#92702689# [*#war0anty#]

Fly Bird
S688 - #*301#02# send - with SIM
7 - 10 - ok,

#*8000#, #*3676# (reboot repair)

V09, S1180 - *, 3 times down, 3 times up - service menu

*#987*00# - Service menu
*#987*99# - Full reset
*#900# - SW version

*#9922# - menu, reset (without SIM)
*#9900# - Software Version
*#9901# - Software Version (PBatch)

S60 Siries (SX1, 6600, N-Gage..)
*#7780# - factory default
*#7370# - full factory defaults (all user data reset)
SX1 formating - * + # + power on
6600 formating - 3 + * + send + power on
Sendo X1 formating - 5 + power on

*65512890 (*-hold) format FFS (Eclipse)

* 3926 - (*-hold) test mode

* 5806 - (*-hold) SW version

*(hold) 787090 - trium 320 unlock menu

Huawei (cdma)


Pantech HX-550C (cdma)

Full reset (phone code reset)- ##03*934#9367*192#397#7412569746 PWR,
after reset - ##27732726 PWR and select "with uim"
Nokia Master Code Calculator, master code buat ngebuka security code
masukan imei, trus keluar dech 10 digit master code nya...
imei 15 digit bisa diliat di belakang casing dibawah battery...
ato dengan menekan *#06#

Sekian Dulu Yahhh,,,